wuyi-best.com_0001 - 2003-05-10 mortgage - alan ralsky www.wuyi-best.com/2 mailto:tom@yahoo.com.cn
Return-path: bczumf@yahoo.com Sat May 10 12:41:42 2003
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From: bczumf@yahoo.com
To: chien@munged.ext
Subject: Re: Hey man
Sender: bczumf@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 00:39:21 +0800
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
I just got a 30 year fixed mortgage at 5.5%! I found
this website where Lenders compete for your business.
I thought you may want to look at it.
here's the url
Mark Sicilades
You wrote:
> hey man
> could you please give me that site where
> I can pay a whole bunch less, even on my
> mortgage repayments? my accountant
> said 6.1% was the way to go.
> thanks..
don't want anymore? then please go here.