swift-logos.net_0001 - 2003-12-15 logo design - www.bzdirectory.biz/jkhkj/1000 mailto:levshanco@mail.ru
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Message-ID: <434225267062.jE0807H1oSCqas@bzdirectory.biz>
From: "Mike Johnson" <mike23johnson@zipmail.com>
To: sales@munged.ext
Subject: Get your business logo in an hour!
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 14:13:36 +0000 (GMT)
<a href=http://ifejnpsq.qazer.biz/images/logo>
Get Your Logo for Only $19 in No Time!
Do you need a <a href=http://www.bzdirectory.biz/jkhkj/1000>loqo for your company ,website ,or event? Then you've already talked to several design firms that asked you from $500 to $2000 for 3-5 mockups, and promised to have your loqo done in a month or two .But why spend a lot of time and money on a loqo you may not finalIy like at aIl ,just because it is custom?
Now you have an opportunity to have a <a href=http://www.bzdirectory.biz/jkhkj/1000>great loqo that you reaIly like in just a few minutes ,risk-free, and at unbeatable price. <a href=http://www.bzdirectory.biz/jkhkj/1000> Swift Logos offers <a href=http://www.bzdirectory.biz/jkhkj/1000>pre-made logo designs that allow you to create your own custom logos without having to hire an expensive design studio.
You can choose the logo you like most from <a href=http://www.bzdirectory.biz/jkhkj/1000>hundreds of great pre-made logos created by our professional designers, and instantly receive it in editable Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw files. Write in your company name and slogan, and in no time you will be able to use it for your company letterheads, brochures, website, and other marketing materials. Do it yourself or have us customize it to fit your needs.