- 2002-09-19 seduction
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Received: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:26:06 +0800
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 17:25:58 -0700
From: Henrietta Neblett <>
Subject: Learn the elusive art of seduction!

 Sweep Women Off Their Feet and Into Your Bed

Aside from tricks of the mind, Neuro Linguistic Programming
techniques, self-confidence and attitude towards women, there's
a marketing formula (AIDA) that works wonders in sales,
and it produces amazing and incredible results when used to meet
and seduce women. As we'll explore all these tricks and
techniques, they can all be categorized in one of these four

The principle is simple: you need to get their Attention
to be able to open a line of communication. Then you need to
captivate their Interest so you can keep them focused on
what you have to say. Then you must tickle their Desires
to put them in a state of mind that opens them to you, and makes
them want you. And last but not least, you want them to act on
those desires and take the necessary Action, whether that
means giving you their phone numbers, going out on a date, or
better yet, sleep with you.

amazing seduction secrets such as:

· How to stimulate a woman’s senses and turn a
casual conversation into hours of intense passion.

· How to get her so hot that she’ll want you despite a
boyfriend or even husband.

· How to open a conversation effortlessly and naturally.

· What to say in order to elicit a positive and insightful
response instead of just a yes or a no.

· How a woman’s body language can tell you if she’s is
interested in you even before you say a word, and ways to change

· The myths behind pick-up lines. Why they work and why they
don’t, and better yet, how to make them work for you.

· How your own body language can make you irresistible to

· How to pass her test that will determine whether you are
lover material or just friends material.

· How to make a woman pursue you instead of the other way
around. Let her do most of the work and reap the benefits.

· How to use your surroundings to your advantage when meeting

· How to distort a woman’s sense of time and make her feel as
though she has known and loved you for a long time.

· How to create an emotional connection that will make her feel
passionate, sensual, and very sexual about you.

· How to spark her sexual desires and link them to you.

· How to make any woman shed her inhibitions to allow her to
explore her fantasies and yours.

· How to get women to openly talk about sex and their sexual
preferences and make it seem like a natural progression of any

· How to go from talking about sex to actually doing it, and
make it seem like it’s their idea…and much more.


When it comes to meeting, seducing, dating, or anything that has
to do with women you shouldn't have to take chances...
<a href=" seduction">Click
Here If You Would Like To Receive More Information About This
Amazing FREE Offer For Sweep Women Off Their Feet And Into Your

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