polandbymail.com_0001 - 2005-11-22 polart distribution - www.polandbymail.com mailto:polart@polart.com 800-278-9393
From infomail@dbzmail.com Tue Nov 22 08:09:32 2005 [2005-11-22 08:09:32 154435]
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Tue, 22 Nov 2005 08:09:30 -0500
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 08:09:30 -0500
Message-Id: <200511221309.jAMD9TC23601@www.munged.ext>
From: Mel Steward <infomail@dbzmail.com>
Subject: read this email
Our company offers unique gift ideas for the Christmas season as well
as any other special occasion.
Decorations for your kitchen, memorabilia for the military collector, films for the movie buff and music for the whole family. The patriotic Polish family will be
especially excited to see our vast selection.
It's Christmas time. Make sure Santa doesn't beat you to it this
year, and order early.
Polish stoneware, known also as Boleslawiec pottery, comes in many
striking patterns. We carry extended lines of 9 of them, plus a
whole slew of items from other patterns.