mozgoebstvo.biz_0001 - 2004-06-28 first mortgage group -
X-from: From Sun Jun 27 21:12:32 2004 [2004-06-27 21:12:32 11374]
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Message-ID: <6232222443.24197656353408124708985@rtvjzhxjh>
From: "Addie Metz" <>
To: "Anita" <kim@munged.ext>
Subject: Re: Account Agreement
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 20:05:35 -0600
Organization: ybfgwcdb ntxjm
X-Spam: Not detected
Resently we sent you an email about mor
t g age r at e going up, just from
last week that ra t e
s went up by 2 point. Its not to
late to lock your mor tg age r at
e. You can qualifiy to get a
400, 000 at 400 a month. But
please <a href="">
act fast as the ra
tes will not stay low for much