X-from: From ira.chandler@curbstone.com Tue Feb 22 16:34:13 2005 [2005-02-22 16:34:13 59209]
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From: "Ira.Chandler" <ira.chandler@curbstone.com>
To: chien@munged.ext
Subject: Native AS/400 card authorization from Ira Chandler
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Date: 22 Feb 2005 15:34:49 -0500
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Hello. Ira Chandler here. I wrote the first
commercial AS/400 NATIVE card app in 1993.
"Curbstone Card"(tm) is the culmination of my
decade of experience. http://Curbstone.com/card
- Consistent sub-5 second authorizations
- All major merchant and card environments
- All major banks and acquirers
- Fraud prevention: ECI, CVV2, CID, AVS...
- State-of-the-art security, including CISP
Check out our affordable entry-level License
and our Competitive Upgrade Discount...
visit http://Curbstone.com/card
Thanks for your time.
Ira Chandler
Curbstone Corporation
201 Enterprise Court
Ball Ground, GA 30107-6105
888-874-1212 Sales
888-844-8533 Main Office