877-284-8258_0002 - 2003-03-02 search engine submission - 1-877-284-8258 1-888-529-1703
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877-284-8258_0002 - 2003-03-02 search engine submission - 1-877-284-8258 1-888-529-1703
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From: ldwcPeter <elbxh64r@hotmail.com>
To: chien@munged.ext
Subject: ADV:Submitting Websites to Search Engines vhwcx
Sender: ldwcPeter <elbxh64r@hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2003 20:19:45 -0800
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*To be removed see below.


I work with a company that submits websites to search engines and saw your listing on the Internet.

We can submit your website to over 300 of the world's best search engines and directories for a one time fee of $39.95. If you would like to put your website into the fast lane and receive more Internet traffic. For more details, do not respond to this email, but do call our toll-free number (877) 284-8258 and speak with one our representatives.

All work is verified!


Peter Murphy


To be removed call toll-free: (888) 529-1703. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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