Return-path: Wed Feb 18 14:31:17 2004 [2004-02-18 14:31:17 61012]
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From: "John" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: Marketing Solution
Sender: "John" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 03:34:42 +0800
Reply-To: "John" <>
E-mail is the fastest growing marketing tool.
We offer E-mail Marketing with quality service and the lowest prices.
1. Targeted E-mail Addresses
We can provide targeted e-mail addresses you need, which are compiled
only on your order. We will customize your customer e-mail addresses.
* We have millions of e-mail addresses in a wide variety of categories.
2. Send out Targeted E-mails for you
We can send your e-mail message to your targeted customers! We will
customize your email addresses and send your message for you.
* We can Bullet Proof your Web Site.
We also offer a wide variety of marketing software. For more details, you
can refer to: Http://
Looking forward to serving you, and your business needs!
John Okoh
Client Support
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