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cash13-mailpanda.com_0001 - 2003-03-13 mlm work from home -
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<html><br><head><br> <br>  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Big5"><br> <br>  <meta name="ProgId" content="Word.Document"><br> <br>  <link rel="File-List" href="./Hello_files/filelist.xml"><br>  <title>Hello</title><br></head><br><body lang="EN-GB" bgcolor="#c4cdf4" link="blue" vlink="purple" font="" size="7" face="arial" alink="#0000ee"><br>   <br><p><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1">Hello. </font></p><br>  <br><p><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1">How a $20.00 Investment<br>can put you on the road to riches in 8 weeks!</font></p><br><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1"><br><br></font> <br><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1"><br>There is only way to make money on the Web and WebFisher lays it all out<br>for you in and easy-to-read, step-by-step guide that includes all the software<br>tools you need. </font></p><br>  <br><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1"><br>You see, bulk e-mail is the ONLY way to get your message to the millions<br>of people on the Web who need and want your product or service! No matter<br>what other method you use, you are simply advertising to other business...<br>and they're just not interested in anything you have to say! </font><o:p></o:p></p><br>  <br><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1"><br>But it is almost impossible to send out Unsolicited Commercial Email without<br>having your Internet Service cancelled....unless you know the secrets used<br>by Mastercard, Polaroid, Century21, AOL, and the professional e-mail services.<br></font></p><br>  <br><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1"><br>Now you too, can capitalize on these techniques to build a six-figure income<br>in the next six months thanks to a new $20 multi-level program called "Web<br>Fisher".</font></p><br>  <br><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1"><br>Get a FREE "Untold Secrets" booklet today. There's no cost or obligation....just<br>excitement and hope for a better financial future! </font><o:p></o:p></p><br>  <br><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1"><br>To seek more information and the "<font color="#660000"><i>Untold Secrets</i></font><br>" , please send mail with "Untold Secrets" subject to <font color="#003300"><a href=""><br>here</a></font></font></p><br>  <font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1"><br><br></font>  <br><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1"><br>Best regards,</font><o:p></o:p></p><br>  <br><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1"><br>HW</font><o:p></o:p></p><br>  <br><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1"><span style="mso-spacerun: yes"><br> </span></font><o:p></o:p></p><br>  <br><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size="+1"><br>For easy Removal just click here: <a href="">remove<br>me</a></font><o:p></o:p></p>
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