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Return-path: Underwriters@mailsuper1.com Tue Apr 5 16:18:07 2005 [2005-04-05 16:18:07 72016]
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From: "Underwriters Laboratories Inc." <Underwriters@mailsuper1.com>
To: "Kelly Chen" <Kelly@munged.ext>
Subject: Kelly, Ways to expand your product safety and global compliance knowledge
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 16:19:52 -0400

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Hi Kelly,

In the complex, fast-paced technology market, it’s critical to stay current with the technical issues affecting product safety around the world. Understanding the risks and how product safety standards address them can better equip you to design for compliance and meet international market requirements.

Your resource in addressing this need, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) offers specialized training workshops:

The CE Marking: Strategies for European Compliance
April 13-14 in New Orleans, LA This intensive two-day course will give you essential information about the European regulatory system and step-by-step instructions on how to develop a compliance strategy right for your needs.
Click here for more information and a complete 2005 schedule

The 2005 National Electric Code Changes

April 13-14 in Melville, NY
April 22 in Denver, CO
May 20 in Brea, CA
June 25 in Anchorage, AK
This course is designed to provide participants with a detailed coverage of the NEC's 2005 changes.
Click here for more information and a complete 2005 schedule
Hazard-Based Safety Engineering
April 20-21 in Tewksbury, MA
May 19-20 in Richmond, BC
This workshop teaches product safety design strategies in terms of fundamental engineering concepts.
Click here for more information and a complete 2005 schedule
International Certification Fundamentals
May 3 in Melville, NY
In this one-day course, you’ll learn the commonalities and differences among the various regulatory systems, as well as gain a thorough understanding of the basic terminology and strategies to get your products into your key international markets.
Click here for more information and a complete 2005 schedule
Latin America Certification
May 4 in Melville, NY

This one-day course will help you gain a thorough understanding of the regulatory environment in key Latin American markets, including Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.
Click here for more information and a complete 2005 schedule
Information Technology and Telecommunications Equipment: Designing for Compliance to UL 60950-1/IEC 60950-1/CSA 60950-1
May 12-13 in Santa Clara, CA
June 14-15 in Northbrook, IL This intensive two-day course will review product safety from the technical design perspective and teach how to apply critical design criteria that can reduce safety risks associated with ITE.
Click here for more information and a complete 2005 schedule
Test, Measurement and Laboratory Equipment
May 25-26 in Maynard, MA
This course is intended for individuals who work with laboratory equipment and/or test and measuring equipment and similar instruments covered by UL 61010-1 and IEC 61010-1.
Click here for more information and a complete 2005 schedule
Practical EMC Design
June 7-8 in Melville, NY This two-day workshop will discuss the techniques to eliminate electromagnetic interference and provides you with a set ofrules you can apply immediately to speed development of products that will accept upgrades and different configurations.
Click here for more information and a complete 2005 schedule
UL China Symposium and CCC Mark Workshop
June 22-23 in New York, NY This two-day workshop teaches how to navigate the changes in China’s regulatory system and provides a comprehensive overview of the mandatory China Compulsory Certification System.
Click here for more information and a complete 2005 schedule
Multiple workshops dates and locations UL University offers a broad rangeof quality training and workshops covering everything from Six Sigma to ISO 9001 and beyond.
Click here for more information and a complete 2005 schedule

NOTE: Dates and locations are subject to change based on enrollment. You will be notified of any changes in scheduling. The website dates and locations are kept current. UL will not be held responsible for fees and charges associated with airfare, hotel or other accommodations due to scheduling changes.

You are receiving this mail because you either subscribed at one of our websites or you subscribed with a third party. We sincerely hope you enjoyed receiving this mailing, but if you received it in error, and if you don't wish to receive any further messages from us please follow the link and you will be automatically excluded from any future mailings.

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<img height3
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<img height3
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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"

style="FONT-SIZE: 11px; LINE-HEIGHT: 15px"
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
Hi Munged,<FONT
In the complex, fast-paced
technology market, it’s critical to stay current
with the technical issues affecting product safety
around the world. Understanding the risks and how
product safety standards address them can better
equip you to design for compliance and meet
international market requirements.
Your resource in addressing this need, <FONT
color=#990000>Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
(UL) offers specialized training work shops:


<img height•
src=" http://www.salescola.com/UL3/telecom/images/UL-img5.jpg" width"0
useMap=#Map border=0>

<img heightB
src=" http://www.salescola.com/UL3/telecom/images/UL-img00004.jpg"
width 4>

<TD vAlign=top

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="100%"
bgColor=#ffffff border=0>

color=#990000> The CE Marking: Strategies for
European Compliance

color=#000000>April 13-14 in New Orleans,
This intensive two-day course will give
you essential information about the European regulatory
system and step-by-step instructions on how to develop a
compliance strategy right for your needs.

href="http://www.maili9.com/add/visit.asp?f=Munged&l=Munged&adr=Munged St&z=munged-zip&ci=Stamford&st=NY&co=USA&e=Munged@munged.ext&com=Munged Corp&p=mun-ged-phone&fax=mun-ged-phone&r=http://www.learningestore.com/uluniversity?ssp=/catalog/classes_search_detail.saba&r1=id=class000000000023019&r2=price‰5&su=Ultel-Apr52005"
>Click here for more information and a
complete 2005 schedule

The 2005 National
Electric Code Changes

color=#000000>April 13-14 in Melville, NY
April 22 in
Denver, CO
May 20 in Brea, CA
June 25 in
Anchorage, AK<FONT

This course is designed to
provide participants with a detailed coverage of the
NEC's 2005 changes.

href="http://www.maili9.com/add/visit.asp?f=Munged&l=Munged&adr=Munged St&z=munged-zip&ci=Stamford&st=NY&co=USA&e=Munged@munged.ext&com=Munged Corp&p=mun-ged-phone&fax=mun-ged-phone&r=http://www.uluniversity.com/ntleleccode.php&su=Ultel-Apr52005">Click here for more information and a
complete 2005 schedule

color=#990000> Hazard-Based Safety

April 20-21 in
Tewksbury, MA
May 19-20 in Richmond, BC

This workshop teaches product safety
design strategies in terms of fundamental engineering

href="http://www.maili9.com/add/visit.asp?f=Munged&l=Munged&adr=Munged St&z=munged-zip&ci=Stamford&st=NY&co=USA&e=Munged@munged.ext&com=Munged Corp&p=mun-ged-phone&fax=mun-ged-phone&r=http://www.learningestore.com/uluniversity?ssp=/catalog/classes_search_detail.saba&r1=id=class000000000022908&r2=price95&su=Ultel-Apr52005"
>Click here for more information and a
complete 2005 schedule

color=#990000>International Certification

color=#000000>May 3 in Melville, NY<FONT

this one-day course, you’ll learn the commonalities and
differences among the various regulatory systems, as
well as gain a thorough understanding of the basic
terminology and strategies to get your products into
your key international markets.

href="http://www.maili9.com/add/visit.asp?f=Munged&l=Munged&adr=Munged St&z=munged-zip&ci=Stamford&st=NY&co=USA&e=Munged@munged.ext&com=Munged Corp&p=mun-ged-phone&fax=mun-ged-phone&r=http://www.learningestore.com/uluniversity?ssp=/catalog/classes_search_detail.saba&r1=id=class000000000023778&r2=priceY5&su=Ultel-Apr52005"
>Click here for more information and a
complete 2005 schedule

America Certification

4 in Melville, NY

This one-day course will help
you gain a thorough understanding of the regulatory
environment in key Latin American markets, including
Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.

href="http://www.maili9.com/add/visit.asp?f=Munged&l=Munged&adr=Munged St&z=munged-zip&ci=Stamford&st=NY&co=USA&e=Munged@munged.ext&com=Munged Corp&p=mun-ged-phone&fax=mun-ged-phone&r=http://www.learningestore.com/uluniversity?ssp=/catalog/classes_search_detail.saba&r1=id=class000000000023779&r2=priceY5&su=Ultel-Apr52005"
>Click here for more information and a
complete 2005 schedule

<TD align=left bgColor=#d1c09e colSpan=2
height3> Information
Technology and Telecommunications Equipment: Designing
for Compliance to UL 60950-1/IEC 60950-1/CSA

12-13 in Santa Clara, CA
June 14-15 in Northbrook,
This intensive two-day course
will review product safety from the technical design
perspective and teach how to apply critical design
criteria that can reduce safety risks associated with

href="http://www.maili9.com/add/visit.asp?f=Munged&l=Munged&adr=Munged St&z=munged-zip&ci=Stamford&st=NY&co=USA&e=Munged@munged.ext&com=Munged Corp&p=mun-ged-phone&fax=mun-ged-phone&r=http://www.learningestore.com/uluniversity?ssp=/catalog/classes_search_detail.saba&r1=id=class000000000022926&r2=price‰5&su=Ultel-Apr52005">Click here for more information and a
complete 2005 schedule

Measurement and Laboratory

25-26 in Maynard, MA<FONT

This course is intended for
individuals who work with laboratory equipment and/or
test and measuring equipment and similar instruments
covered by UL 61010-1 and IEC 61010-1.

href="http://www.maili9.com/add/visit.asp?f=Munged&l=Munged&adr=Munged St&z=munged-zip&ci=Stamford&st=NY&co=USA&e=Munged@munged.ext&com=Munged Corp&p=mun-ged-phone&fax=mun-ged-phone&r=http://www.learningestore.com/uluniversity?ssp=/catalog/classes_search_detail.saba&r1=id=class000000000022880&r2=price‰5&su=Ultel-Apr52005">Click here for more information and a
complete 2005 schedule

<TD align=left bgColor=#d1c09e colSpan=2
height"> Practical
EMC Design

color=#000000>June 7-8 in Melville,
This two-day workshop will
discuss the techniques to eliminate electromagnetic
interference and provides you with a set of rules you
can apply immediately to speed development of products
that will accept upgrades and different

href="http://www.maili9.com/add/visit.asp?f=Munged&l=Munged&adr=Munged St&z=munged-zip&ci=Stamford&st=NY&co=USA&e=Munged@munged.ext&com=Munged Corp&p=mun-ged-phone&fax=mun-ged-phone&r=http://www.learningestore.com/uluniversity?ssp=/catalog/classes_search_detail.saba&r1=id=class000000000022892&r2=price€0&su=Ultel-Apr52005">Click here for more information and a
complete 2005 schedule

China Symposium and CCC Mark

color=#000000>June 22-23 in New York,
This two-day workshop teaches
how to navigate the changes in China’s regulatory system
and provides a comprehensive overview of the mandatory
China Compulsory Certification System.

href="http://www.maili9.com/add/visit.asp?f=Munged&l=Munged&adr=Munged St&z=munged-zip&ci=Stamford&st=NY&co=USA&e=Munged@munged.ext&com=Munged Corp&p=mun-ged-phone&fax=mun-ged-phone&r=http://www.learningestore.com/uluniversity?ssp=/catalog/classes_search_detail.saba&r1=id=class000000000022888&r2=price™5&su=Ultel-Apr52005">Click here for more information and a
complete 2005 schedule

<TD align=left bgColor=#d1c09e colSpan=2
color=#990000> Quality

color=#000000>Multiple workshops dates and
UL University offers a broad
range of quality training and workshops covering
everything from Six Sigma to ISO 9001 and beyond.

<a href="http://www.maili9.com/add/visit.asp?f=Munged&l=Munged&adr=Munged St&z=munged-zip&ci=Stamford&st=NY&co=USA&e=Munged@munged.ext&com=Munged Corp&p=mun-ged-phone&fax=mun-ged-phone&r=http://www.uluniversity.com/quality.php&su=Ultel-Apr52005">Click here for more information and a complete 2005 schedule

color=#ffffff>NOTE: Dates and locations are subject to
change based on enrollment. You will be notified of any
changes in scheduling. The website dates and locations
are kept current. UL will not be held responsible for
fees and charges associated with airfare, hotel or other
accommodations due to scheduling changes.

<TD vAlign=top align=left bgColor=#f3f3f3

are receiving this mail because you either subscribed at one of our websites
or you subscribed with a third party. We sincerely hope you enjoyed receiving
this mailing, but if you received it in error, and if you don't wish to
receive any further messages from us please <a href="http://www.maili9.com/add/remlist.asp?f=Munged&l=Munged&e=Munged@munged.ext&su=Ultel-Apr52005">follow
the link and you will be automatically excluded from any future mailings.

<AREA shape=RECT
coordsA,47,187,67 href="http://www.uluniversity.com/">




UL University Customer Training & Workshops
Underwriters Laboratories
333 Pfingsten Road
Northbrook, IL 60062



Chris Moorhead
209 Townepark Circle
Suite 200
Louisville, Kentucky 40243
United States

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209 Townepark Circle
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Louisville, Kentucky 40243
United States
Technical Contact:
Moorhead, Chris chris@cmoor.com
209 Townepark Circle
Suite 200
Louisville, Kentucky 40243
United States

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Domain Name: maili9.com
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Domain Name: mailsuper1.com
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Expires on..............: 23 Mar 2006 14:42:39

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Domain Name: salescola.com
Created on..............: 02 Nov 2004 19:35:34
Expires on..............: 02 Nov 2005 19:35:34

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Domain servers in listed order:

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Domain Name: tracks1.com
Created on..............: 03 Sep 2004 20:50:24
Expires on..............: 03 Sep 2005 20:50:24

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Registrant Info:
Irish Domains
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Dublin, DUBLIN 2
Phone: +353.16335235
Fax..: +353.16335235
Email: irishdomains@hotmail.com

Domain servers in listed order:

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Saba Software
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Redwood Shores, CA 94065


Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
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Saba Corp.
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Redwood Shores, CA 94065-1166
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